Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Fool Hath Made of Fool of Me!

What is wrong with this block?


Anonymous said...

Well, I hope this is a scan that you have mirrored, otherwise the lettering will print backwards.

It is a hard lesson, but you will *never* make that mistake again! Ask me how I know...

Nice image. Have fun recutting it ;^)

Anonymous said...

Haha! I have a huge collection of mistakes like this. I am getting better at remembering but when I'm really excited about a design--whoops!

Patricia Phare-Camp said...

Never make this mistake again???? I've been doing this for over 20 years and this is about the 3rd time I've done this. I didn't even catch it until I was about to proof. With loaded brayer in hand I looked down and nearly collapsed--with laughing at self! My master's adviser told me to hang it in the studio to remind me not to do this with the other 77 cards in the deck...

Amy Stoner said...

ARGH, the dreaded text reversal....I'm so sorry. :( That is a fabulous design though. very cool!

Thanks for the comment in my journal about the encaustic. You are correct about the orange circles. The official term is "incising" but yeah, cutting a little trench into the wax and filling it with color. It's a technique I absolutely adore...and it adds another bit of texture to the piece too.

Ellen Shipley said...

Ha! I just did it myself for my xmas card. ;-> I caught it early enough to adapt my image, but I guess there isn't a whole lot of adapting one can do to text.

Unless, of course, you decide it's a design element -- you know, a "foolish" thing to do? ;-]