Saturday, April 12, 2014

Snakes, Knives and a Spaceship...

It's Been a while since I've here's a little update on the projects I've begun for the new year and a few hold over's from last year...

Year of the Snake inked plate waiting to be printed.
My snake went out a year late.  I had the plate carved for a year but other projects kept popping up and delaying its I printed it up with my Horses...


Back in the November of 2013 I blogged some under-paintings I started while volunteering as a Teaching Assistant for Mick Sheldon's Color Theory Class. Below are the finished acrylic and digital paintings.
 Blue Digital Gouge
 Etching Needle
 Green Digital Gouge
 Maru Bake
 Orange Digital Gouge
 Twisted Needle
 Violet Gouge
Vintage Brayer

I'm currently carving plates to make 10x10" woodcut prints of six of the above images.  Once I've printed the editions I'm planning on cancelling the plates by doing encaustic paintings on top of them.

Here's a sketch for the woodcut print I'm about to start carving for a print exchange with fellow printmaker members of the group.
It's inspired by a passage I read in the book Agents of Ki by Anna Erishkigal. The book hasn't been formally published yet but you can purchase the previous books The Chosen One and Prince of Tyre in the Sword of the Gods series at Amazon.  They're available as printed and e-book versions.

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