An American Dragon in London
Artist: Patricia B. Phare-Camp
Paper: 10 x 15” Mulberry Paper
Image: 13 x 8”
Ink: Graphic Chemical Water Soluble Ink. Silver and Black mixed to make Graphite.
Inspired by the historically significant rubbings of Merle Green Robertson. The imagery in this woodcut print is from an appropriated work of art located at the British Museum . Rubbings from historic sites eliminate the need to desecrate another culture’s sacred temples to display them in museums…
Yaxchilan Lintel #15 is a 23.25” x 34.5” Mayan bas relief carving dated from AD 755. It depicts a noble lady performing a blood letting ritual to call in a vision. Wisps of smoke from the basket of burning blood soaked paper take the form of a “Plumed Vision Serpent.” A god emerges from its mouth to give spiritual guidance to the lady Wak Tuun. Mayan nobles often used hallucinogenic herbs to initiate religious vision and dull the pain of auto sacrifice.
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YaxchilanLintel 15